Here are a few key references and a few tips and tricks.
Key Resources
Name | Description | Link |
AzureRM PowerShell Documentation | The documentation root for AzureRM. Note the Version selector to get documentation on previous versions. | |
AzureRM.Profile Documentation | Authenticating is the first step. This is the reference to the AzureRM.Profile module which contains the cmdlet’s to do that. | |
AzureRM PowerShell GitHub | The github repo for the cmdlets | |
Azure Resource Manager overview |
Great overview of Azure Resource Manager | |
Azure PowerShell Service Manager Module | The documentation root for Azure ASM | |
Tips and Notes
The Login-AzureRmAccount is an Alias for Add-AzureRmAccount
If you are looking for documenation on Login-AzureRmAccount, there is none. This is an alias for the Add-AzureRmAccount cmdlet.
We can see this in the PowerShell startup file for the AzureRM.Profile module: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureRM.Profile\AzureRM.Profile.psd1.
“Login-AzureRmAccount” = “Add-AzureRmAccount”;
“Select-AzureRmSubscription” = “Set-AzureRmContext”;
}.GetEnumerator() | Select @{Name=’Name’; Expression={$_.Key}}, @{Name=’Value’; Expression={$_.Value}} | New-Alias -Description “AzureAlias”
Login Error – “Sequence Contains No Elements”
If you get this error while trying to use Login-AzureRmAccount or Add-AzureRmAccount it is likely because these cmdlet’s cannot be used with Microsoft Accounts; only work or school accounts.
Login-AzureRmAccount does not work with Microsoft accounts #3108
To Get the Version of Azure Module Currently Installed
(Get-Module -Name AzureRM.Profile).Version
For me, a bug or incomplete feature.
See some comments, workarounds and ideas in that link.