If you often use both the Microsoft Office 365 and Azure Management Portals, and use them with several different tenants, credentials, and subscriptions, it helps to quickly launch a web browser in private mode to those two portals. The private mode segregates the credentials across tenants and subscriptions.
I nifty time saver I use it to create two Windows Desktop shortcuts: one to launch the Office 365 portal, and the other to launch the Azure portal.
Assigning a unique shortcut key allows is a real time saver – one key combination and the portal is launched and available to sign in.
To do this, create a new Windows Desktop shortcut (right-click anywhere on the Windows desktop and select New | Shortcut), and use the values below.
For Office 365
- Location of Program: “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” –private https://login.microsoftonline.com/
- Shortcut Name: Office 365 Portal
- Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select Properties
- Shortcut key: Ctrl + Alt + O (“O” as in Office 365)
For Azure
- Location of Program: “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” –private https://manage.windowsazure.com
- Shortcut
Name: Azure Management Portal - Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select Properties
- Shortcut
key: Ctrl + Alt + A